
Financial Wellbeing - Art and Science of Investing

You will learn fundamental principles of investing, how to make sound decisions on what types of investing strategies are in line with your risk tolerance and investing style, and how to regulate your emotions in response to the inevitable volatilities in the financial markets.

You will also acquire critical skills in responsible financial management for sustainable investing that will empower you to achieve your life goals and live a flourishing life.

This online self-serve interactive course (20 to 25 hours) builds on the Financial Wellbeing - Introduction course.

Here's what you will learn 

Learn the investing principles to overcome inflation, grow your 8 forms of capital and move closer to achieving your version of a flourishing life
Master the fundamentals of different investment instruments such as bonds, stocks, real estate and alternative investments
Learn to adopt good mental habits, emotionally regulate well and apply investment management practices to develop Financial Emotional Resilience (FER)
Personalise your investment portfolio with key strategies around asset allocation, investing based on your circle competence, risk management and much more
Delve into the principles and be guided step-by-step on how to be a value and growth investor to grow your investment portfolio in multiple ways
Achieve a 360-degree view and understanding how to invest holistically to align with your version of a flourishing life
This course has given me the basics of how to start investing, without any of the confusion, fluff or misinformation that may be rampant online.

Additionally, I appreciate the guidance related to more intangible steps on investing, such as building up my emotional resilience and my attitudes towards money.

This makes the course a holistic one, which I was not expecting but really appreciate.
— Seah Jie Hui, NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
This course provides us with many essential life skills that we may think we have, but in fact are not equipped with.

I love how flexible this course is, and it is very interactive due to the inclusion of many videos and drawings. 
— Lucia Pan Yucheng, NUS College of Humanities and Sciences
Unlike other courses on financial wellbeing which focus more on techniques, this course is relevant to many, in asking us to reflect on the kind of flourishing life we want to have and teaching us skills to build up financial emotional resilience and self-regulation as many of us tend to spend on impulse at a younger age.
— Bryan Chang Kin Hong, NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

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